Queensland Living Soil Analysis Lab
Find out the state of your land, with a full Soil Food Web soil analysis.
Understanding your soil biology is the first step to balanced soil and healthy crops.
The Soil Biology Lab Analysis
Balancing Microbes offers assessments of soil, compost, and (depending on your location) compost tea and compost extract. This analysis identifies the biology that you need to have in balance, to grow successfully.
Solving Soil Problems
Are you struggling with poor soil quality? Pests and diseases and low produce yield are often a symptom of soil that is out of balance.
Let’s get to the root of the problem – answers are often found in the soil!
Soil Microorganisms
The soil contains millions of microorganisms. A soil biology analysis looks at bacteria, fungi, protozoan and nematodes – this gives us a clear picture of how to build foundational soil biology.
Balanced Soil = Healthy Soil
We provide analysis of the Soil Food Web including data on bacteria, fungi, protozoa, and nematodes in your soil. and identify any detrimental organisms that are present.
What Is The Soil Food Web?
The Soil Food Web is made up of tiny unseen organisms, breathing, eating, and reproducing in our soils.
The Soil Food Web plays important roles in the health of soils and plants.
- They decompose organic compounds.
- They release and store nutrients in their bodies.
- The soil biology helps to create your soil structure allowing air and water to enter or drain off.
- The microorganisms produce waste products as nutrients which are perfect plant foods.
- They are also an important food source for other organisms.
- They are Nature’s mop-up crew, cleaning away disease and pathogens.
Plant nutrients are increased when the biology is in balance, but then we see disease, pest, and weeds when the soil food web is out of balance.

Do you want to improve your soil health?
Are you trying to reduce fertiliser costs?
Do you want to build carbon in your soil?
Are you struggling with weed suppression?
Do you want to inhibit pests and diseases?
All these things are affected by the soil biology – if you bring that into balance, you will see a significant change in all these factors.
If you know the microorganism community living in your soil, you have taken the first step in understanding your soil’s quality.
Balancing Microbes provide microscopic soil analysis that gives you a better understanding of your soil.
Dr. Elaine’s™ Soil Food Web methods are an effective way to rapidly regenerate agricultural soils. Farmers using the Soil Food Web approach are reducing, or even eliminating the use of chemicals.
Restoring the Soil Food Web to agricultural soils restores productivity and profitability to agriculture.

Balancing Microbes - Always coming back to the way Nature intended
We stick to Naure’s Plan!